Sebelum kita memceritakan lebih lanjut tentang kisah Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib, Penulis ingin seentuh sedikit tentang kisah Telaga Zam-zam yang di gali semula oleh Abdul Muttalib. Telaga Zam-zam adalah telaga pusaka Nabi Ismail as. Malangnya ia telah tertimbus sejak kaum Arab Jurhum berpindah keluar dari mekah. Perkara itu berlaku terlalu lama hingga tiada sesiapa yang tahu dimana lokasi telaga itu berada.
Pada satu hari ketika Abdul Muttalib hanya mempunyai seorang anak lelaki iaitu al_harith, bermimpi didatangi satu suara memanggil-manggil beliau. dan memberi perintah kepada beliau.
"Wahai Shiekh yang besar galilah telaga Zam-zam."
Abdul Muttalib bermimpi hingga beberapa kali dengan mimpi yang sama kecuali dengan sebutan nama telaga Zam-zam yang berbeza iaitu Barrah, dan Madnunah.
Sedikit info : Pendapat Ahli bahasa mengatakan Zam-zam bermaksud kenyang tapi menurut ahli sejarah pula perkataan Zam-zam itu bermaksud kepungan. Ini kerana ketika peristiwa Siti Hajar datang kepada Nabi Ismail yang sedang menhentak-hentak kaki dimana keluarnya mata air memancar-mancar dari tanah di bawah kaki nabi Ismail itu, Siti Hajar ada berkata Zam-zam berulang-ulang kali yang bermaksud kepung air itu. Boleh jadi kedua-duanya betul.
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Gambar Telaga Zam-zam |
Setelah beberapa kali Abdul Muttalib didatangi mimpi yang menyuruhnya menggali telaga itu. Akhirnya mimpi terakhirnya memberitahu lokasi telaga itu. Dengan tidak membuang masa Abdul Muttalib pun pergi ke lokasi yang disebut dalam mimpinya itu bersama-sama anaknya al-Harith. Sesampainya mereka berdua di situ iaitu diantara berhala Isaf dan Nailah, kedengaran lagi suara yang sama dalam mimpi Abdul Muttalib itu menyuruh beliau mula menggali di atas tanah antara dua berhala itu.
info tambahan; Isaf dulunya adalah seorang laki-laki sedang Nailah adalah seorang perempuan. Keduanya berasal dari Yaman. Dulu Isaf jatuh cinta kepada Nailah. Kemudian keduanya datang ke Makkah untuk melaksanakan haji.Pada suatu hari ketika tidak ramai orang memerhatikan keadaan Ka'abah Isaf dan Nailah masuk kedalam Ka'abah dan melakukan perbuatan zina didalamnya.
Dengan kuasa Allah swt kedua-dua mereka telah di tukar menjadi batu. Ketika masyarakat ketika itu menjumpai kedua-dua batu itu mereka terus mengeluarkan batu-batu itu keluar Ka'abah. Dan oleh kerana Isaf amat dikenali ketika itu, orang-orang arab sekeliling Ka'abah terus dapat mengecam yang batu itu adalah Isaf dan yang satu lagi itu adalah kekasihnya Nailah.
Kemudian datang suatu masa, dimana Isaf dan Nailah pun dijadikan berhala, ia dipuja dan disembah. (Kisah-Kisah Berhala Musyrikin Jahiliyyah. Abu Muhammad Miftah)
Maka mulalah mereka berdua menggali , tiada sesiapa pun dari masyarakat disitu yang datang menolong kerana bagi mereka usaha Abdul Muttalib dan anaknya itu hanyalah usaha yang sia-sia.
Setelah bertungkus lumus menggali, Abdul Muttalib pun ternampak pintalan emas dan bilah0bilah pedang kepunyaan Mudhadh bin Amru al-Jumhumi. Amat gembiralah Abdul Muttalib atas kurniaan Allah itu Dengan adanya telaga itu tugas untuk menyediakan air untuk para jemaah haji akan menjadi lebih mudah.
0015 The digging of the
Zam-zam well by Abdul Muttalib
Before we proceed any further, the writer would like to write about the Zam-zam well, which was dug back up by Abdul Muttalib after the well was long buried. The Zam-zam well was an inheritance from the prophet Ismail. However it was concealed and forgotten when the Jurhum Arabs moved out of Mekah.
One day, Abdul Muttalib who at the time had only one son named Al-Harith, had a dream. In that dream, a voice called up to him, and told him:
“O great Sheikh, dig the well
of Zam-zam. ”
This same dream would reoccur for
a few days. However in those dreams, the
name of the well was alternated between Zam-zam, Barrah and Mudnunah.
Additional info:
Linguists opined that ‘Zam-zam’ means ‘full (as in having eaten)’, but
historians on the other hand say that ‘Zam-zam’ means ‘enclosure ’. This is due to the event in which Siti Hajar
came to her son - the prophet Ismail, a baby at the time, who was stomping his
feet onto the ground. Water was spurting
out of the ground, under his feet. Siti
Hajar said, “Zam-zam” repeatedly which means to enclose the water. Both opinions may be correct.
After a few nights of this reoccurring dream, finally Abdul Muttalib’s dreamed
differently, this time he dreamed about the long-lost location of the
well. When he woke up, Abdul Muttalib
quickly went to the location with his son Al-Harith. When they arrived at the place, which was
between the idols Isaf and Nailah, he heard the same voice from his dreams
telling him to dig in the ground between the two idols.
info: The idol Isaf was once a real-life
man while Nailah was a woman. Both of
them came from Yaman. They fell in love
and they both came to Makkah to perform the Haj together. One day when there were few people around the
Kaabah, they snuck into the Kaabah and committed adultery.
By the will of Allah, they were turned into stones. When people found the stones, they brought them out and placed them outside of the Kaabah. Since Isaf was well-known at the time, they recognized that the stones were actually of Isaf and his lover, Nailah.
By the will of Allah, they were turned into stones. When people found the stones, they brought them out and placed them outside of the Kaabah. Since Isaf was well-known at the time, they recognized that the stones were actually of Isaf and his lover, Nailah.
stones later were made idols and were revered and worshiped.
Berhala Musyrikin Jahiliyyah. Abu Muhammad Miftah)
So they started to dig, but nobody wanted to lend a hand since they thought that it was a futile effort.
They kept digging until Abdul Muttalib saw spuns of gold and blades of swords belonging to Mudhadh bin Amru Al-Jumhumi. Abdul Muttalib was so pleased with the grace of Allah bestowed upon him. The finally found well would hence make providing drinks to hajj pilgrims easy.
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